Sunday 13 March 2011


Shamelessly posting yourself on other people's blog does work out it seems after all. Check it. Top left corner on  Lovely little link there. Thanks!

Friday 11 March 2011

Nearly treason

I nearly committed treason today guys. That's right, I nearly switched to tumblr. Luckily though I realised the error of my ways before it was too late. And I'm very sorry.

Things on the coding front are going well, now I just have to design myself something! Let the hardship begin.

Oh and by the way, I'm thinking of posting a preview of Filmic 06 as it's taking so long so you don't forget me!

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Where has the time gone?

Seems like the last month and a half has been a blur. As you can see there are more changes to the blog! Hopefully there will be more posts in the future, we're about half finished with filmic 06 and for a sneaky peek I can can tell you that we'll be including reviews of black swan and tangled as well as a new feature that would be a pull out if it were a printed piece called 'challenge 250'. As Adam has as part of his new year resolution or something, decided to watch all of IMBD's top 250 films as of jan 5th, which should turn into a nice follow on feature. The next thing to pop up should be my new business cards which are all designed but I just have to decide on a colour card and buy said card to print as the colour I bought only yesterday will not do! So pictures of that will be forthcoming and maybe some of the self initiated work I've started will get posted soon.

Plus have I mentioned that I'm teaching myself web design? Yes, could be the worst decision in the world but it's a valuable skill to have if you're a designer really. So, who knows? Maybe I will be able to fix my website after all! (Any help would be appreciated. Tips anyone?)