Saturday, 25 September 2010

Moving swiftly on.

So I just wanted to put something out there that wasn't Filmic. (Still no comments, come on!) To show that I do other things with my time. So here's a little identity I've done some work on. It might turn into a vehicle wrap or a stationary set as yet. I haven't decided.

Friday, 24 September 2010

Filmic 02 on another blog!

Filmic 02 is on another blog! Oh the excitement, it's not international recognition but it's, you know, recognition. Click the link above to see it elsewhere. I think we've ironed out a lot of the kinks in the second issue and we have 100 hits already but no ratings or comments. Come on people.

Sunday, 12 September 2010

Filmic Issue 02!

So this is the second issue of Filmic, this is the test to see if people will continue to look at it! But this morning I noticed that someone has started following us! Pure excitement! Well you can see it above or you can click the link below. Comments please!

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Cut Click graduate issue

Just a bit of ego tripping here, I'm in the current graduate issue of Cut Click online magazine. Here's a quick peek but to see the full magazine the link is and as well as me there is quite a lot of my fellow graduates from University of Lincoln.